Enterprise Estonia

Enterprise Estonia

We promote and support innovation, export, tourism, foreign investments and talent attraction. Learn more

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KredEx and Enterprise Estonia have merged.

A transition phase will start in January, where a new structure and brand will be created for the joint agency. In the meantime, services will continue to be offered under the existing brands of Enterprise Estonia and KredEx. The substantive merger will be completed in the course of 2022.

The legal name of the new organisation will be Estonian Business and Innovation Agency from January 2022.

The main objective of the joint organisation is to support entrepreneurship and the improvement of living conditions in Estonia, increase our international competitiveness, visibility and attractiveness as a place for business, living and studies.

Under the KredEx brand, the joint organisation continues to help:

• businesses to develop faster and expand safely into foreign markets by

providing loans, risk capital, credit insurance and guarantees backed by

state guarantees;

• improve people’s living conditions by offering loan guarantees for home

purchases, backed by state guarantees and loans, guarantees and grants for

implementing energy efficiency solutions;

• develop the startup ecosystem and represent the interests of the startup

sector as an umbrella organisation, so that Estonia will sprout increasingly

more success stories in the field of technology. Entrepreneurship is of key

importance in the implementation of the digital, green and innovation


Under the Enterprise Estonia brand, the joint organisation develops the Estonian economy and businesses through:

• developing business models and boosting innovation;

• increasing export capacity;

• attracting high value-added foreign investments;

• recruiting top international professionals;

• increasing tourism revenue.

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