Epic Angels

Epic Angels

Epic Angels is APAC's first all-female angel investors network, investing in early stage, APAC-based startups (sector agnostic) with at least one female in the core team. Learn more

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More about Epic Angels

Epic Angels is democratizing angel investing.

We make angel investing accessible. We give women the confidence to invest, by learning about the investment process, and understanding how other women invest.

Epic Angels is a network of female executives and operators who have built and expanded companies in all parts of the world. We are on track to become the largest female-only angel network in Asia.

Research shows, investors tend to back those they perceive as similar to them. Instead of trying to convince male investors to invest in women, we need to focus on increasing the percentage of female investors. We need to close the financial gender gap.

Our focus is early-stage startups in Asia across all verticals. We invest in pre-seed, seed, and Series A rounds. We are strong advocates of female leadership. Having at least one woman on your executive team is preferred.

Above all, we invest in people. We invest in founders who refuse to die. Founders who choose agility over ego.