

Liquidity Protocol on Bitcoin - Swap, Stake, Farm, IDO Launchpad. Learn more

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€13—19m ( estimates Jan 2024.)
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Recent News about Velar

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Velar operates in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, providing a decentralized exchange platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies with up to 20x leverage. The platform is built on the Bitcoin blockchain, leveraging its security and robustness. Velar serves individual cryptocurrency traders and investors who seek high leverage trading options and minimal transaction fees. The business model revolves around earning fees from trading activities and offering rewards through liquidity pools, staking, and yield farming. Velar makes money by charging minimal fees on trades and incentivizing users to provide liquidity, which in turn enhances the platform's trading volume and liquidity depth. The company operates in the rapidly growing DeFi market, which aims to bring traditional financial services to the blockchain, offering transparency, security, and decentralization. Velar's unique selling proposition is its focus on the Bitcoin blockchain, which is known for its security and long-standing reliability since 2009. The platform also emphasizes self-custody, allowing users to have full control over their cryptocurrency assets without relying on third-party custodians. This approach aligns with the core principles of decentralization and financial sovereignty that are central to the cryptocurrency ethos.

Keywords: decentralized exchange, crypto trading, Bitcoin blockchain, 20x leverage, minimal fees, liquidity pools, staking, yield farming, self-custody, financial sovereignty.